Friday, June 25, 2010

Scottish 80 Shilling Ale

OK, I have just started a late day second cup of dark coffee. I am ready to blog. The brewery is gearing up to brew a Scottish 80 Shilling Ale. The brewmasters brother who lives in one of the Yankee northern states is gonna get married in mid September this year, so I thought that the brewery should brew something up unique to take there for the wedding reception and get the party started. There may be pre-recorded music playing, but the guest will hear bag pipes after a few of EC Brewery's Scottish 80 Shilling Ale! As usual, I am throwing in abut one pound of Oatmeal to the brew. Keep things smooth and tastey. The brewery expects delivery of the ingrediants early next week. Gonna have to be right on the brewing to be able to have it ready for the big day. Now I will need to come up with a cool bottle lable for the celebration! I am accepting ideas. So far "Ball & Chain Brew" has been suggested.

1 comment:

  1. let me know when you are ready to start on that label.
